This composition is about the containment of sound but in this instance, it is completely fractured with misinformation. This project is an antidote to the misinformation in the world generated by media and communication.

The vertical screens are solid but fractured; a reference to the sound mirror used in the UK during World War II as an early warning system for incoming aircraft. The sculpted screens are fractured as the conflict of words, communications and actions are not being contained but are damaged and disturbed.

The sculpted figures are set within the sound enclosure; two figures at the lower level, two characters on the first plinth level and a fifth character sitting on the top of a set of steps that comprise the setting.

The viewing public are invited to participate by walking up an enclosed ramp between the vertical screens up into the ‘Hall of Sound’ which provides audio and lighting experiences. They exit using an open ramp at the back of the hall. The back ramp also accommodates the light and sound equipment, accessible through panels.

White Noise